Forest Friendly Tea is exactly what it sounds like: tea that is grown and harvested using sustainable methods that protect the forest. Unlike mass production of tea, which often leads to deforestation and relies on irrigation systems, fertilizers, and pesticides, forest-friendly teas are grown using sustainable methods that do not involve any harmful farming practices. Instead, these teas are harvested from completely wild tea plants or planted tea that grows in harmony with forests.
By partnering with Forest Friendly Tea, we can enjoy tea while also safeguarding forests, starting with those in Northern Thailand. We envision a future where tea no longer contributes to deforestation, and we are committed to working together with tea enthusiasts worldwide to bring this future to life. Our goal is to strengthen and expand the Forest Friendly Tea movement, inviting tea farmers from all corners of the globe to join us in our mission to protect forests, preserve biodiversity, combat climate change, and provide sustainable income for local communities.
Forest Friendly Tea is not only for us in the present but also for the generations to come.